Saturday, October 30, 2010

Those with limited resources, need not be limited in resources.

One of the more valuable digital resources available within the Map Room is GIS or Geographic Information System software.  This tool, for those not familiar, enables users to overlay and analyse geospatial data to create their own map, report, or to answer some geographic query such as identifying optimal locations for emergency services.  Purchasing this software, however, can be expensive and limit its availability for many users.  Within larger institutions, such as at the Map Room at Memorial’s Queen Elizabeth II Library, many are able to take advantage of site license agreements that make the software a little more accessible, but still, not everyone is so lucky.

For smaller libraries wishing to take advantage of this software, there is the option of using open source software.  There are several open source GIS packages available, but one of the more common ones is GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System).  This software was developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers in the early 80’s to support environmental initiatives undertaken by the military.  It has since evolved into the world’s leading open source GIS software.   One advantage of open source software is that the users themselves drive the direction it takes.  Frequently, users are able to create a new tool or modification, or contribute to a wish list for other users or programmers to tackle.  With the barriers of cost removed, along with enabling users to drive the direction of development, many more doors are opened.  The advantages offered by open source GIS are numerous.  Probably the greatest benefits can be realized by those involved with community based mapping projects and public participation GIS.  These initiatives are as the name suggest, driven by the public and reflect in maps what is important to the people, rather than what is deemed important by the government or large corporations.

1 comment:

  1. Clever title for your post !

    Thanks for telling us about GRASS.
    I have added GRASS to my Favourites.

    When I went to a site, I was at a First Tier Mirror Site in Italy. I was curious about Mirror Sites so I clicked the Mirror Sites link.

    GRASS is certainly well-established all over the world !
